Shane Zimmerman
Maize Genetics Cooperation - Stock Center
- Soybean/Maize Germplasm, Pathology & Genetics Research Unit
S-123 Turner
Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana,
61801, USA
(217) 333-6631 [voice], (217) 333-6064 [fax], sazimmer@uiuc.edu
Maize Geneticist
B.Sc., University of Illinois, 5/21/92
Certified Crop Advisor 2/96
I joined the Maize Genetics Coopertion - Stock Center in February of 1999 as part of the NSF project Maize Gene Discovery, DNA Sequencing, and Phenotypic Analysis. My duties include the cataloging and maintainance of the mutant stocks generated by the RescueMu system, in this research program, and making these stocks readily available to the maize genetics community.
Along with this work, I also assist the other staff members in the functions of the Coop. These functions include planting and pollinating of Coop materials, along with helping to increase seed supplies of various seed collections. I also assist in the phenotypic analysis of seedling traits in sand benches, and the cataloging and data recording of other seed stock collections available at the Coop.
Zimmerman, S.A. and J.K. Pataky. 1992.Inoculation techniques to produce galls of common smut on ears of sweet corn. Phytopathology 82:995.